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企业动态 | 一路前行,感恩有你-7003全讯入口
thanks to have you all the way in 2018
we will move forward together in 2019
concluding a business community
work together to create a new journey
the results of the 2018 annual outstanding distributors of pumen tea industry were announced today. they have the sincere cooperation award, the most potential award, the promotion ambassador award, and the inspirational advancement award. if you have created a performance for pumen, you have been unswervingly supporting pu. you at the door, you have added to the promotion of the brand of pumen, it is because of you, the pumen tea industry has today. every progress and success that the pumen tea industry has achieved so far cannot be separated from the attention, trust, support and participation of all partners. everyone who firmly supports our customers and partners is a huge pumen tea industry wealth.
today we are here to strengthen the partners who fight alongside the pumen tea industry and witness their contribution to the industry and the market with honor. thanks to every dealer who is determined to choose pumen tea industry. i hope that all dealers and friends can continue to cooperate closely with pumen tea industry and cooperate sincerely to create new achievements in the new year.
2018,蒲门茶业—— 一路前行,感恩有你,感谢每一位支持跟推进蒲门茶业发展的人,有了你们的支持与信任,我们才能更加坚定的勇往直前,用高品质的产品,更完善的服务来感谢你们。2019,蒲门茶业将继续在坚守品质、不断研发产品、忠诚服务、完善7003全讯入口的文化道路上前行。
2018, pumen tea industry - all the way forward, thank you, thank you for everyone who supports and promotes the development of pumen tea industry. with your support and trust, we can be more determined and brave, with high quality thank you for your products and better service. in 2019, pumen tea industry will continue to adhere to quality, continuously develop products, loyal services, and improve the corporate culture.
only build an intimate business community
to face the fierce market challenges
every partner is worthy of our praise
looking forward to 2019, pumen tea industry will continue to work with everyone.
create more glory
seize the market "c" position
for the results of the 2018 outstanding distributors, please continue to pay attention to the pumen tea industry wechat public number.